
Naughty Confessions

Naughty Confessions of a Nairobi Escort

Naughty Confessions of a Nairobi Escort.

It’s hard to stay beautiful when you come from my background. Back breaking work and physical abuse do their best to rob a girl of her finer assets. Teenage pregnancy, drugs and alcohol etc. etc…so how did I end up one of Nairobi’s most sought-after ladies of the night? Well, that involves a lot of fucking. A LOT!

Of course, it does! What did you think this was? A story about some boring church girl? Fuck that!

I always knew I was obsessed with my pussy. I’d play with it any chance I got. When teachers asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said I didn’t know. Because there was no direct answer for girls like me, who didn’t want to be doctors or lawyers, get married, babies blah blah blah. I loved my body, how it makes me feel and I wanted to share that with other people. For money of course.

Being paid to do what you love; to fuck, my gahd, it was a dream come true.

I met my pimp when I was a college undergraduate in my first year of economics. I was grinding my fat ass on my roommate in a club one night when this tall, dark hunk of handsomeness approached me from behind. Usually I’d rebuff that approach but he smelled sooooo good! Fuck! I’m getting wet just thinking about it. Anyway…he bought me drinks all night then drove me to my hostel and fucked the shit out of me on the backseat of his car. It was my first orgasm from anyone other than my right hand. I was in love.

I got to my room and slept like a baby. I woke up the next morning to a shout to my roommate, who, when looking for the lipstick she’d loaned me the previous night, found a fat wad of one thousand bob notes in my purse. ‘Oh MY GOD! Wangeci! Where did you get all this money?!’

It was 100,000 KSH straight up cash. More money than I’d ever seen in my life. I called him immediately and I’ve never looked back.

Since then I’ve fucked all sorts of people. Rich men, lesbians, I’ve been in orgies all around Nairobi… I fuck this couple that looooves threesomes once a week, basically saved their marriage. I even fucked a transvestite once, one of those that doesn’t hate her dick; boobs and a long thick penis, such a thrill.

I couldn’t tell you what I’d have done if I hadn’t found a way into my job. The money is good. Too good. But that’s not what it’s about. Many people who meet me try to save me and I remind them that I got an M.B.A to learn to manage the sex trade more efficiently. I chose this life. It chose me. And no one is happier for it than my juicy little pussy.

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