
Rha condoms

This product was released in July 2013. The Raha condoms is a great product that many men and women desiring that feeling of dry fry sexual encounter want.This is because Everyone is now very conscious of the appalling effects of the HIV and AIDS epidemic that has claimed the lives of so many men women and children in sub-Saharan Africa.

In all walks of society, most mend and women are very prepared to forego protection “in the heat of the moment”. most of them believe that condoms during sexual intercourse will adversely inhibit their sexual performance and satisfaction. So rather than taking such risky decisions it is advisable for partner to use RAHA condom. The smiley face also reinforces the brand name RAHA, the Swahili word for ‘happiness’, the inference being that sex with a RAHA condom will be both safe and joyous.
The Print Ad titled Nothing between you two except happiness (=RAHA) was done by TBWA Nairobi advertising agency for product: RAHA Condoms (brand: RAHA) in Kenya. It was released in Jul 2013.

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